Well it's been a long long while... between blogs, and it's been so busy that I was sick with fatigue. Justine suggested we should go to the hospital for 'exhaustion'. How do they actually treat you? I wonder what they gave Lindsay and the rest of them when their eyes were falling out of their heads from too much work and party? All i needed was sleep and rest and doing nothing. Even when you go on holiday, you're still doing stuff aren't you?
Last weekend was Splendour In The Grass. It was pretty large. Our house consisted of Me, Garth, Buzz, Cara, Jimmy, Jade, Karina, Claire & Martine. I'd link all their facebook's and myspaces but people have so many damn profiles these days, its like an ego-field waiting to burst. Don't get me wrong - my wardrobe is slowing building it's own too.... www.stylemob.com(.)
Anyway! So byron was hot. Let's make a list... it's always easier. Sorry if this list isn't as entertaining as yumi's, but really above anything this blog is for me so that when i'm old and crusty I can remember what I used to get up to.... so let's hope the hackers who got into the UN website this morning don't delete the blogs on blogger too.
1. I crashed James' hire car into a pole. Reversing with Jade - not high speeds, but slow reversing.... most expensive pizza I ever went to pick up.
2. Laying on a tarp in the backyard in byron soaking in sun and vodka is good.
3. Laying in a heated baby pool soaking in sun and mango daquari's is also good.
4. Nothing can beat being with the people you love and new friends are for giving shit to. (Mike mainly).
5. Mike and Glen should get married.
6. Mike DID NOT punish the punisherz. We punished him.
7. Kirsty and I are wreckless blair witch hunters, roaming in pitch darkness catching magical shuttles to festivals.
8. It was freezing at night time - thanks for the tights yaya.
9. Bloc Party were incredible.
10. If you stand sidestage for arctic monkeys you will get jewellery thrown at you, which I will keep with no remorse.
11. After party was too crowded, and i was too smashed.
12. No pashes for me at splendour ... hmm.
13. Claire you cannot take the world HILARIOUS to your vo-cab. It's just wrong. Leave it alone.
14. Bacon and egg rolls with tomato sauce and hot chips inside do wonders for your hangovers (and thighs).
Well that's it for me now. This week off to melbourne for the levity launch over there with our 2nd artist MERCY ARMS I love these boys so so much.... and then off to Perth for the weekend to see ma & pa.
P.S Rumors are true I have a facebook, but i'm only accepting those of the male gender. Don't ask me why - I didnt want to join in the first place.